Package 6 - Hand soap, hand lotion & Alcogel 500 ml
Hand soap 500 ml
Hand lotion 500 ml
Alcogel 500 ml
Organic hand soap with the smell of chamomile is a mild and gentle soap that is perfect for taking care of your skin. It contains natural ingredients that soften and soothe the skin, while effectively cleaning and removing dirt and bacteria.
Organic hand lotion with the smell of chamomile is a softening lotion that moisturizes and protects the skin against dryness. It contains natural ingredients that help restore the skin's natural moisture balance.
Alcogel with the smell of chamomile is an effective and practical solution to keep your hands clean and fresh. It contains alcohol to kill bacteria and gives a fresh and cooling sensation. Chamomile provides a mild and soothing scent.
All these products are organic and are good choices if you want to take care of your skin in a sustainable and natural way.
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